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000075_owner-lightwave-l _Thu Jul 7 20:18:19 1994.msg
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Date: Fri, 8 Jul 94 02:19 BST-1
From: Dave Barnard <dbarnard@cix.compulink.co.uk>
Subject: Re: Film Recording
To: lightwave-l@netcom.com
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Mark Thompson said:
>For software, you will need ADPro and ASDG's Abekas driver. For hardware,
>get an Exabyte 8500. Neither the 8505 or the 8200 are supported properly
>by the driver. Then, it is a simple matter of running an ARexx script with
>ADPro to dump a directory of rendered images to the Exabyte. You could also
>set it up to dump to tape as they are rendered as well. Then just tote that
>tape to an Abekas with an 8500 or 8505 and dump the D1 frames to it. It works
>just as easily in reverse, but make sure the Abekas is writing to an 8500.
>I once got a tape that was dumped to an 8200 and I had to rewind to the
>begining for every single frame.
ASDG tell me that the latest (1.2 ISTR) version of the Abekas saver works with
the 8200 drive. They will also upgrade for free: e-mail pk-asdg@cup.portal.com.
for details.
I haven't been able to try it out with my 8200 yet as I'm still waiting for the
driver to arrive from the States... fingers crossed :)
The 8200 can be picked up a *lot* cheaper than the 8500's, so it's probably
worth investigating this option if finace is a consideration.
>--- Dave ---<